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During my travels, I received free accommodation for a night in exchange for writing a daily travel diary. This diary documented how I reached my next destination, the hosts who welcomed me, the food I was offered, and other experiences along the way. Below, you will find the archives of these extensive reports. Please note that English is not my native language, and most entries were written quickly, often around midnight. Enjoy!

Sunday, 9 March 2003
--> Langley (day 3)

Today I slept in again, heck it is Sunday! And there was Steven again with his guitar! I had omelette for breakfast and with a big cup of coffee it had to go to work.

Yesterday the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation aired an interview with me by Peter Brown, on That Saturday Show. And this went nationwide (!). So yesterday the web server has been steaming again, over 50,000 people visited this site and of course that also meant lots of new places to stay in Canada.

And I have to process them my unique way. I collect all the new invites in this country, find out where they are located and put a dot on my big map of Canada. And just to go through this with over 100 new invites, you can understand it took me quite a while.

To get out of the house a bit and interrupt this Sunday working day for me, Steven and Kirsti took me along for a trip to White Rock. We were there last night too, but this time we’d go sightseeing also.

Just down the highway at White Rock are the border posts of the Canadian- and U.S.-borders, located exactly on that 49th parallel. We had a walk to the Peace Arch that is built on the 49th parallel and behaved ourselves as Japanese tourists.

From there we ended up in the small seaside town White Rock, also known as the place where you’ll get the most sun on the Canadian west coast, Steven said. But that’s as much info as I could find about White Rock. And yes, there is this giant white rock on the beach. According an aboriginal saga the rock was thrown from one of the islands, as a suggestion that the natives on that island should move to escape from danger. The rock landed ashore and that’s where the people moved to.

We walked down the windy boulevard, where I had to put on my balaclava for the first time. It was agreeably cold there! After behaving as Japanese tourists again on and again that white rock on the beach, we had a lunch bite at fish and chips restaurant along the main street, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

In the afternoon we were back again at the house in peaceful Langley. The snow had changed into rain and slowly washed away the nice layer of snow outside. But it meant there must be falling snow elsewhere, there where I might depart to tomorrow…

Good night Langley!
