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During my travels, my compensation for free accommodation for one night, was for me to write a daily travel diary. Of how I got to my next location, the people who would host me, the food I was offered and everything else. Below you find the archives of the highly extensive reports. Know that English is not my native language and most reports were written at high speed around midnight. Enjoy.

Friday, 7 June 2002
Mission Beach --> Kewarra Beach, Australia

Quit write up about today, don't have much time…
I hitchhiked my way out of Mission Beach, which wasn't that hard as I got a lift within twenty minutes. A couple just bought a house in Mission Beach and was heading back to their current hometown Innisfail.

I walked along the highway in Innisfail, that crosses straight through this small industrial town. I had a bite at the local McDonalds', where I showed the 'let's-support-him'-letter that I got from Brisbane-Mac-manager Bob Grady. The managing lady helped me out with a free Big Mac menu. The owner had a nice chat with me, as he actually knew Bob Grady and was amazed about how things could connect up with each other.

From Innisfail I had a straight lift to Cairns, however it took a while. A lady took me along (very rare) with the excuse that her three sons also hitchhiking, so she couldn't refuse to pick me up.

The ride to Cairns was a long one to me, I even dozed away in the car. I was dropped off in the centre of Cairns, already a familiar place now, where I contacted my hosts for tonight.

They live in the northern Cairns village Kewarra Beach. David Rothwell picked me up in Cairns, where he also had to collect his wife Tamara Thomas. The drive to their estate only took another twenty minutes.

David and Tamara had invited me after seeing me on A Current Affair on Channel 9, way back in March, and they never expected me to give them a call. But there I was!

They both originate from Melbourne, but moved up north because of the better climate. One of David's hobbies is fishing and the possibilities of fishing here are much better. David has started his own job from home and organises and creates all kinds of necessary supplies you need at business conventions. Tamara has a temporary job at the telephone company Telstra.

Tamara told me that she was adopted from Thailand when she was still a baby. I was amazed that she was almost the same age as me. She met David in a pub once, when David made a remark that stayed in their memory as they are still together – happily.

For tonight the couple had already planned a barbeque and their friends Luke and Alisha-Vi joined in for dinner. Of course they wanted to here about all my travel adventures and while I was enjoying the beef and sausages I told them all about them.

Luke and Alisha-Vi were so inspired that they went home that night and immediately invited me to stay at their place in Kewarra Beach. Maybe that's something for later…

G'dnight Kewarra!
