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During my travels, my compensation for free accommodation for one night, was for me to write a daily travel diary. Of how I got to my next location, the people who would host me, the food I was offered and everything else. Below you find the archives of the highly extensive reports. Know that English is not my native language and most reports were written at high speed around midnight. Enjoy.

Thursday, 16 May 2002
--> Townsville, Australia

I think I have sorted out the hassle with the payment and delivery for the new laptop, but it would probably be next Monday when I can receive that hardware.

Today was another relaxing day, in which a lot of things happened, just in the house of Adele and Darren Scott-Sommer in Townsville.

I had a lot of phonecalls, with my backup team, friends and with Irena. With Irena I had a tough one, as we both had problems about what exactly we had and have together.

We discovered that we can't share as much through a long distance telephone call, not those essential ingredients for a relationship and ended up talking about a close friendship that we like to keep.

Irena and I split up. We looked at our past and the future and thought it would be better to let each other go and explore the world we live in as long as we are seperated that far. I mean, I am travelling the world for quite some time and she works as a commander in the Dutch Royal Army and has a daily job in proving herself as a woman in a men's culture. She barely has time for Internet of telephone, which just made it hard for both of us.

She was planning to visit me in Australia this July, but we both thought it wouldn't be such a good idea. It would be nice to see each other finally again, but three weeks of Australia for the price that had to be paid for her whole trip was just out of the question immediately.

We stay very good friends, but the love had been fading away for a while. Look at me, I meet strange people every day and hang around with them and enjoy that company every day and I sometimes just felt guilty about not thinking about her as much as I should be when desperately in love. And the same flag goes up for her in the army.

We have gone our own ways and until our paths will cross again, we'll stay off commitments in life.
