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During my travels, my compensation for free accommodation for one night, was for me to write a daily travel diary. Of how I got to my next location, the people who would host me, the food I was offered and everything else. Below you find the archives of the highly extensive reports. Know that English is not my native language and most reports were written at high speed around midnight. Enjoy.

Wednesday, 19 December 2001
Barcelona --> Sitges (E) photos only.

At the moment photos only. Stay up to date with publication of a report through the mailinglist.
From Pablo Lamarca's place in Barcelona I travelled south to Sitges, a small village along the coast, some 30 km from Barcelona.

I stayed with Anke, a Dutch lady, who was having a temporary vacation in her parent's apartment. I met Anke before when I stayed with Evelyne Hollands (also Dutch) in Castelldefe earlier this week.

After dinner at home Anke took me out into Sitges to celebrate my birthday, starting tonight at midnight.
