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During my travels, my compensation for free accommodation for one night, was for me to write a daily travel diary. Of how I got to my next location, the people who would host me, the food I was offered and everything else. Below you find the archives of the highly extensive reports. Know that English is not my native language and most reports were written at high speed around midnight. Enjoy.

Sunday, 22 July 2001
--> Fort William, Scotland (UK)

It was a rainy and quiet Sunday, as I tried to leave town, not able to get a lift in over three hours...

I was really stuck in Fort Wiliam, another day at Marie Kennedy's Bed & Breakfast was unevitable...

I am just hoping for better weather and more traffic on Monday.

(July 22, 2001)

Ramon’s roaming the globe

A ROAMING Dutchman spent last night in Fort William, after a night in Inverness, as part of a four-year project to travel the world for virtually nothing.

Unlike the Hon-man, the Sunday Post’s onetime Holiday On Nothing adventurer, Ramon (24), is using the internet to get him around.

The journalism student has his own website,

He hitchhikes between his hosts and in 85 days has stayed in Holland, Belgium, France, England, Eire, Northern Ireland and Scotland – with only one promised host not available.

Ramon said: “That was in Birmingham and I slept at the airport.”

All he is carrying is a rucksack, a phone and digital camera. His hosts provide a bed, a meal and a chance for him to update his website. His clothing and ferry trips have been sponsored.

He has stayed in everything from a castle to small rooms.

He now aims to make his way back to the east of England, ready for the Continent again.

The idea of the project is to spend each day in a different place but Ramon will have to find some sponsors for his air flights in the future.

He has had invited from 1700 people to stay in 65 countries as far apart as Chile, China, Canada and South Africa.

Ramon said, “I will never be able to visit all of them, but I do hope to make it to 75 per cent.”

In Inverness he stayed with Per and Tonje Johnsen, from Norway.

Tonje said, “We heard about the project and thought it was such a good idea that we wanted to help him out.”

Where is Ramon at this moment?
Click here to see the map